Ehem saya masih muda okayyyy baru 19 tahun 3bulan :) So I still want to consider myself as a teenagers TAK PEDULI! Okay my 2010 resolution is to have a freaking-hot-body lah ala ala Jessica Alba. I hate you bitch for being such a perfect walking doll *grin* Mmg i try to train myself to go swimming at least twice a week since I am a very busy women mcm lagi busy dari mak yang ade 5 org anak and siriously constrain myself for late-supper-terus-tido first sem pny routine. Highlights: TAK SERONOK LANSUNG!
with all the burden of TG2KM and the ajk under me mmg perangai mcm siot je. Last nite supposed ada photoshoot for our post (oh btw im handling that lame post persembahan dan sambutan. And plus dgn ajk yang mmg smuanya amazingly lame aku pun at the same time turut jadi lame!) with both of the exec (me and
xguna ban) and all the ajks. Diorang ni mcm tak paham2 bahasa.. Yang 6org dtg meeting on Monday tu mmg aku dah puji2 sayang lebih kat dorg lah after meeting haritu kira like aku dah btau dorg siap2 lah mlm rabu pkul 11pm ada that mcm terasa "rockstar" photoshoot. Wahh semua mcm suka telompat2 *okay tak lah lompat just that mcm tak senang duduk :P* sbb dpt masuk gamba nnti. Tapiiiii it turned up mlm tadi sorg ajk je dtg ae! Dengan ban nye aku call tak angkat2! Pastu aku ni play lah the very responsible Timbalan exec. Call2 every ajk. Ape hal tah sorg pun tak angkat,, Weeyy kalau yer pun taknak pegiii jgn lah smpai taknak angkat phone bai! Aku xpeduli pun lah kau nak pegi dating tgh2 mlm ke hapee.. Tapi bg lah commitment sket btau lah aku ke ban ke yang kau taknak dtg!.. Ni wat malu muka aku je.. Post persembahan je takde time amik gamba mlm tadi mmg mcm LOSER. Shit yer aku mmg bengang dgn korg.. Tak penah2 aku bengang dgn org and i dont really adore that feeling. But theres olwes limit lahhh weyy.. Aku dah mmg taknak bersweet2 lah dgn korg lagi.. Lantak korg nak nanges ke nak mengutuk aku ke kat belakang! Oiii kalau taknak dtg meeting or kalau malas sgt nak bagi commitment, jgn gatal nak join in the first place. Aku dah lahh buat kerja sorg2. Tak menolong lansung.. Aku taknak point kat sesape sekarang ni.. Sape makan cili dia terasa pedas. Haih lu pikir ahh sendiri.. Ape2 pun aku mmg confirm amik terus wang commitment korg..
But anywayyy millions thanks to Azmeer, Adnin and Yana for accompany me last nite,,, and azmeer mmg get my moods back by helping me with the gimic and backdrop design.. I LOVE YOUUUUU :D hahahaha
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